(Foundation for Educational Innovations in Asia)
” FEDINA is primarily a labour rights organisation, with an emphasis on the intersectionality of caste, gender, and class. FEDINA adopted the rights-based approach to empowering communities. The primary goal is to reach workers, including retired workers, to collectivise, assert dignity, claim their rights, and remediate violations.“

Facilitate via Training for consciousness building and collective leadership among Domestic workers, Sanitation workers, Garment workers, Construction workers.

The elderly who worked in different informal sector workers, now retired because of age and inability to work anymore. We support and campaign for accessing their rights.

Space for children to read and engage in creative activities and events in the underprivileged areas. We also organise different programs for children.

We primarily work with women and promote women leadership from Dalit, Adivasi underprivileged identities in different forum.